Our goal is to provide you with excellent customer service. Most orders are shipped up to 7 days after they are placed, unless a different time frame is given for a specific item. However, due to factors such as unexpectedly high demand for a product, delivery delay, we occasionally may not be able to ship an order within the time frame. We will notify you promptly if there is a delay or if we need to cancel your order. Please take into consideration that outside of California shipping may take 5 working days (a week).
* Delivery service not available weekends/holidays.
*Orders received after 12:00 pm ( no matter the shipping option chosen ) won’t be shipped same day * Back-ordered items will be shipped as soon as possible unless advised otherwise.


In case that an error occurred ( our fault) during proccesing the order ( wrong size,color, or item) there won’t be any additional charges for exchanging it with the right one, and the extra shipping will be on our expenses.Listed below are the shipping options available to you, which do not include order processing time.

  • Items must be returned within 5 days of receipt.
  • All returns will be charged a 15% Restocking Fee.
  • All items must be returned in the original containers.
  • There won’t be any refund for the shipping expenses.
  • There are NO returns on altered merchandise

If the shipping address you provide us is incorrect and the product is returned to us, we will make every effort to confirm your address and reship. Unfortunately, we cannot assume the additional charge incurred for the reshipping. We will contact you to charge your credit card or request a check/money order to cover the reshipping charge. You will be notified of the package return.